AT Command Set
MC35_ATC_01_V05.00 Page 109 of 256 15.07.2002
4.33 AT+CPBS Select phonebook memory storage
Test command
+CPBS: (list of supported <storage>s) OK
If error is related to ME functionality:
+CME ERROR: <err>
See write command
Read command
TA returns currently selected memory:
+CPBS: <storage>,<used>,<total> OK
If error is related to ME functionality:
+CME ERROR: <err>
See write command
Write command
TA selects current phonebook memory storage, which is used b y other phone-
book commands.
If error is related to ME functionality:
+CME ERROR: <err>
<storage> “SM” SIM phonebook (storage depends on SIM Card)
“FD” SIM fixdialling phonebook (FD Phonebook storage pos.1-7).
If the mobile is locked to FD, only the numbers stored to the
FD memory can be dialled. To edit the FD phonebook PIN 2
is required. See AT+CLCK Facility lock, AT^SLCK Facilit y
lock and AT+CPIN2 Enter PIN2.
“LD” SIM last-dialling-phonebook (LD Phonebook storage p os.1-
10) (+CPBW not be applicable to this storage)
“MC” ME missed (unanswered received) calls) (MC Phoneb ook
storage pos.1-10) list (+CPBW not applicable to this storage
“RC” ME received ca lls list (+CPBW not applicable for this stor-
age) (RC Phonebook storage pos.1-10)
“ON” SIM (or ME) own numbers (MSISDNs) list
“ME” ME Phonebook (storage pos .1-50)
<used> Integer type value indicating the number of used locations in se-
lected memory
<total> Integer t ype value indicating the maximum number of locations al-
lowed in the selected memory
GSM 07.07
This command can be used right after power-on to get selected <storage>.
Since data need to be loaded from the SIM, values of <used> and <total> might
not be available for the first 20 seconds.