AT Command Set
MC35_ATC_01_V05.00 Page 108 of 256 15.07.2002
4.32 AT+CPBR Read current phonebook entries
Test command
TA returns location range supported by the current storage as a compound value
and the maximum length of <number> and <text> fields.
If SIM storage is selected, the length may not be available. If storage does not of-
fer format information, the format list should be empty parentheses.
+CPBR: (list of supported <index>s), <nlength>, <tlength> OK
If error is related to ME functionality:
+CME ERROR: <err>
<index> supported range of location numbers (maximum number de-
pends on storage type)
<nlength> max. length of phone number, normally 20, for a small num-
ber of locations 40
<tlength> max. lengt h of text assigned to phone number (depending on
storage type 16 - 18 characters including blanks)
Execute command
TA returns phonebook entries in location number range <index1> ... <index2>
from the current phonebook memory storage selected with +CPBS. If <index2> is
left out, only location <index1> is returned.
+CPBR: <index1>, <number>, <type>, <text>[<CR><LF>+CPBR: .....+CPBR: <in-
dex2>, <number>, <type>, <text>] OK
If error is related to ME functionality:
<index1> location number where reading starts
<index2> location number where reading ends
<number> phone number
<type> type of address octet in integer format; 145 when dialling string
includes international access code character “+”, otherwise 129.
<text> string type field of maximum length <tlength>. Character set as
specified with +CSCS.
Example 1. Firs t, run the Test command to find out the maximum range of entries stored
in the active phonebook:
TA returns the supported values in the format: +CPBR: (1-100),20,17 where
100 is the supported range of location numbers, 20 is the length of the phone
number and 17 is the maximum length of the text associated text.
2. Now, run the Execute com mand to display the phonebook entries sorted by
location numbers.
AT+CPBR =1,100
+CPBR 1,"+999999",145,"Charlie"
+CPBR: 2,"+777777",145,"Bill"
+CPBR: 3,"+888888",145,"Arthur" .........
GSM 07.07