AT Command Set
MC35_ATC_01_V05.00 Page 174 of 256 15.07.2002
6.2 Modem compatibility commands to MTs supporting GPRS This subclause describes how existing AT commands, designed for use with a modem, may be used
to control a GPRS MT. This is to provide backwards compatibilit y with existing communications soft-
Execute command
This command causes the MT to perform whatever actions are nec-
essary to establish communication between the TE and the external
The V.25ter 'D' (Dial) command causes the MT to enter the V.25ter
online data state and, with the TE, to start the specified layer 2 proto-
col. No further commands may follow on the AT command line. GPRS
attachment and PDP context activation procedures may take place
prior to or during the PDP startup if they have not already been per-
formed using the +CGATT (see Chapter 6.1.1) and +CGACT (see
Chapter 6.1.2) commands. If the context to be used is already acti-
vated, it will be deactivated first. This ensures that the right contex t
parameters will be used (e.g. QoS changes since the last context ac-
tivation or the called address specified by ATD).
Examples on how to use this command are provided in chapter 6.5.
To confirm acceptance of the command to entering the V.25ter onlin e
data state:
When the layer 2 protocol has terminated, either as a result of an or-
derly shut down of the PDP or an error, the MT enters V.25ter com-
mand state and returns
IP V4 address in the form w.x.y.z, see chapter “Using the
GPRS dial command ATD“, pg. 179 which identifies the
called party; if it is provided, the MT will automatically set up
a virtual call to the specified address after the context has
been activated. This parameter is currently not used and
needs not be specified.
<L2P> layer 2 protocol to be used between the TE and MT
PPP or layer2 for PPP protocol
<cid>: numeric parameter whic h specifies a particular PDP context
definition (see +CGDCONT command). If no context is
specified, an internal context 0 with default QoS (network
subscribed) and APN from EEPROM (if there is one) is
Note: The +CGDCONT, +CGQREQ, etc. commands may be used prior
to set values for cid, PDP type, APN, QoS etc..
GSM 07.07
ATD is used as a standard V.25ter AT Command, too.