SMARTMeetingPro with Bridgit integration
Beforeyou install SMARTMeetingProsoftw arewit h Bridgitintegration enabled,ensurey our
computersmeet the minimum requirementsdefinedin t his section. This section also provides
informationon the installationpackages and supportingfiles required fort his installation option.
For all systems
l1GB of free harddisk s pacef orminimum installation (additionalfree space requiredduring
l1024x 768 screen resolution(or higher)
l10Mbps network connection(100 Mbpsrecommended)supportingTCP /IP
lMicrosoft .NET Framework 4 Full (notCli ent)
lMicrosoftVisualStudio®Tools for Office
For one- or two-displaysystems
lWindows® XP SP3, Windows 7 or Windows 8 operatings ystems
l2GHz dual-coreprocessor or faster (quad-corerecommended)
l1GB of RAM for Windows XP or 2 GB of RAM for Windows 7 or Windows 8 (4 GB
lDiscrete 128MB VRAM and supportf orD irectX® 9 technology
For three-to eight-display systems
lWindows XP SP3,W indows7 or Windows 8operating systems
l2GHz dual-coreprocessor or faster (quad-corerecommended)
l3GB of RAM for Windows XP or 4 GB of RAM for Windows 7 or Windows 8
lDiscrete 128MB VRAM and supportf orD irectX 9 technology
For nine- to 16-displaysystems
lWindows 7 orW indows 8 (64-bit)operatingsyst ems (disablingadvancedA ero®theme
l3GHz dual-coreprocessor or faster (quad-corerecommended)
l8GB of RAM or more
lDiscrete 256MB VRAM and supportf orD irectX 9 technology
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