Using SMARTInstallManager 15
InstallingSMAR TInstallManager 15
Using SMARTInstallManager 16
Openingan installationpackage 16
Savingyour changes 17
Publishingyour changesas an MSTfile 17
Customizing theS MARTMeetingPro installation package 18
Customizing theS MARTProductDriversinstallation package 21
Using third-partytools 23
Youcan cust omizei nstallationpackages using SMARTInstallManager.
Youcan cust omizei nstallationpackages using third-partytools and Windows Installer properties.
Using SMARTInstallManager
SMARTInstallManager enablesyou to cust omize SMART software installation packages(also
knownas MSI files) by publishing MST files. You can then deploy the MSI andMST files to
computersusing third-partyimaging or remotemanagements oftware.
Downloadand install SMARTInstallManagerfrom the SMARTSupportwebsite.
gTo install SMARTInstallManager from thewebsite
1. Go to smarttech.com/administratordownloads.
2. Scroll to SMART Meeting Pro software, click Choose a version, and thens elect SMART
Meeting Pro software > 3.1 for Windows.
Chapter 2