Chapter 2: Customizing installationpackages
Using SMARTInstallManager 15
InstallingSMAR TInstallManager 15
Using SMARTInstallManager 16
Openingan installationpackage 16
Savingyour changes 17
Publishingyour changesas an MSTfile 17
Customizing theS MARTMeetingPro installation package 18
Customizing theS MARTProductDriversinstallation package 21
Using third-partytools 23
Youcan cust omizei nstallationpackages using SMARTInstallManager.
Youcan cust omizei nstallationpackages using third-partytools and Windows Installer properties.

Using SMARTInstallManager

SMARTInstallManager enablesyou to cust omize SMART software installation packages(also
knownas MSI files) by publishing MST files. You can then deploy the MSI andMST files to
computersusing third-partyimaging or remotemanagements oftware.


Downloadand install SMARTInstallManagerfrom the SMARTSupportwebsite.
gTo install SMARTInstallManager from thewebsite
1. Go to
2. Scroll to SMART Meeting Pro software, click Choose a version, and thens elect SMART
Meeting Pro software > 3.1 for Windows.

Chapter 2