Control Procedure Notes
Registerunsigned drivers Selectto enablet heregistration of
If you enablethe registration of
unsignedthird-partydrivers, the
installationprocess could ask
usersif they trust the makers of
thedrivers during installation.
This can causeis sues if you
deploythe installation in Silent
mode.Therefore,it ’s bestt o
disablethe registration of
third-partydrivers if you deploy
theinst allationin Silent mode.
Start SMARTBoardTools
at logon
Select to start SMARTBoard®
Toolsw henthe user logs on.
EnableTablet PC Support Selectt ouse Tablet PC
functionalityw ith your SMART
interactivedisplay wit houthaving to
connecta Tablet PC.
This propertyis applicable to
Windows 7 operatingsystem
only. It has no effect on other
Start SMARTInkat logon Selectto start SMARTInk whenthe
userlogs on.
MakeSMAR TInk Viewer
thedefault PDF viewer
Select to make SMARTInk Viewer
to the defaultPD F viewer.
Using third-party toolsYoucan cust omizeS MART software installation packagesby creatingMST f iles using a third-party
tool, such as Orca databaseeditor, and theW indows Installer properties(see Windows Installer
propertiesandparameters on page73).
CH A P T E R 2