gTo configurewhich program events are logged
1. Go to C:\Program Files\SMART Technologies\Remote Ink Service.
2. OpenR emoteinkservice.exe.configwith a text editor.
3. Scroll to and changethe comment for the following command:
<add key="LogLevel" value="[value]" />
Where[value] determineswhich events arelogged.
Choosethe events you want to log by entering a value from thet ablebelow.
Value Event level This value enables you to log the following eventi nformation:
0 Error Error
1 Warning Warningand Error
2 Informational Informational, Warningand Error
3 Debug Debug,Informational, Warningand Error
gTo createa custom event source
1. Create a PowerShellscript t hat containst hef ollowingcommands and modify the
customeventsourceand logname variablesto your custom values.
Youcan also execute the following commands directly in a PowerShellc onsole.
$customeventsource = [My Custom Source]
$logname = [Application]
$creationData = new-object
System.Diagnostics.EventSourceCreationData $customeventsource,
o[My Custom Source] is the new name of the customeventsource variable
o[Application] defineswhich event log is associated with the EventSource variable
2. Execute in a PowerShell console.
3. Go to C:\Program Files\SMART Technologies\Remote Ink Service.
4. OpenR emoteinkservice.exe.configwith a text editor.
CH A P T E R 5
ConfiguringR emote Ink software