Toenable DNS autodiscovery, you must add the SRV record to any domainfrom which a user can
connectto a hosting of Lync server software.
If a user logs ont o a hostingof Lync server software with a user ID such as user1@example.com,
thenthe SRV recordmust be installedi n theexample.com domain. If anotheruser can also log on
to the sameLync server software with a different userI D such as user2@anotherdomain.com,
thento enable this user to autodiscover theR emoteInk service, the SRV record must also be
addedto the anotherdomain.com domain (orthe user is prompted fort hes erverinformation).
If all Lync server software users have IDs that each feature the samedomain name, thent heSR V
recordneedbe installed only in the domain that the users share.
Thefollowing procedurescan be used to create an SRV record:
lManuallyconfigure the SRV recordusing the DNS server’s managementinterface
lUse a Microsoft PowerShell® script providedunder the RemoteI nk service installation in the
Toolsf older.
gTo manually configurethe SRV record using the DNS server’s managementinterface
Createa record with the following values:
oName: _smartremoteink
oProtocol:_tc p
oPriority: 0
oWeight: 0
oPort: 35706
This portnumber is configurableand must match the numberof the port chosenfor
RemoteInk service.
oHost: Name of the computer hostingR emoteInk service, for example, ink.example.local
CH A P T E R 5
ConfiguringR emote Ink software