Thefollowing procedureshows how to deploySMART software using GroupPolicy-based
deploymentsoftware. For informationon deployingS MART software using yourorganization’s
third-partyimagingor remote managementsoftware, see the software’s documentation.
This procedure mayv arydependingon your versionof Windows operatingsystem and yoursy stem
gTo deploy an installationpackage
1. Copy the MSI file and the MST file to \\ [DomainController]\NETLOGON, where
[DomainController] is your domaincontroller.
2. OpenC ontrolPanel, double-click Administrative Tools,and then double-clickA ctive
DirectoryU sersand Computers.
TheAct ive Directory Users and Computers window appears.
3. Right-click your domain, andthen select Properties.
TheProperties dialogbox appears.
4. Click t heGroup Policy tab, and thenc lick Edit.
TheGroup Policy Object Editor dialog box appears.
5. Browse to Computer Configuration\SoftwareSettings.
6. Right-click Software Installation,select New > Package, andthen browse to and select the
MSI file from step 1.
7. In the Deploy Software section, click Advanced,and then click OK.
8. Click t heModifications tab, click Add, and then browse to andselect the MST file from
9. Click OK to apply the MST file to the MSI file.
10. Close all openwi ndowsand dialog boxes.
Thenext time each computer on the domainstarts, the computerautomatically installs the
softwarei n Silent modewith t hec ustomizations definedin the MST file.
CH A P T E R 3
Deployingthe software