2. Press SMARTMeetingPro Settings.
TheSMARTMeetingProSettings log on dialogbox appears.
3. Type your administratorpassword, and thenpress OK.
4. Press the E-mail tab.
5. Type the sendere-mail addressin t heappropriatebox.
Thee-mail address you enterwill appearin the Sender fieldfor any outgoing e-mails. If the
computerdoesn’t have ane-mail client installed, don’t change the donot reply default value.
This indicatesto mail recipientst hatthey can’t reply to e-mailsthey receive.
6. Type your SMTP serverl ocationin the appropriatebox.
7. Press OK.
TheSMTP e-mail settings are detected, enablingyou to use the e-mail featuresof
SMARTMeetingPro software.
gTo configurethe computer’s default e-mail client
1. Access t heSMAR TMeetingPro Settings dialog box.
2. Press the E-mail tab.
3. Select Use systeme-mail.
4. Press OK.
Thecomputer’s default e-mailaddress will appear in the Senderfi eldfor any outgoing
gTo restoredefault settings
1. Access t heSMAR TMeetingPro Settings dialog box.
2. Press the E-mail tab.
3. Select Restore Defaults.
4. Press OK.
CH A P T E R 6
ConfiguringMicrosoft Exchange settings