Appendix C: Microsoft Exchange Serverpolling intervals
A userc ans tart a scheduledmeeting or anunscheduled adhoc meeting when he ors helogs into a
roomresource computer.Dependingon the availability of the room resource,meetings can be started
automaticallyor manually. To enablethis, SMARTMeetingProsoftware polls the Microsoft
ExchangeServer that it’s integrated with to retrieve the loggedin user's calendarand the times that a
roomis booked.
SMARTMeetingPro software polls the Microsoft Exchange serverat the following intervals:
lWhenSMAR TMeetingPro software starts.
lEvery 10s econdsfor the first five minutes after the start of a meeting (to enablemeeting rooms
to automaticallyjoin a Bridgit meeting).
lOnceevery minute after the first five minutes of a meeting(to ensure that a user can extenda
meetingonly if the room is available beyondthe sc heduledmeeting).
lWhena different user logs into the roomresource computerw ith his or hernetwork credentials.
Seethe SMAR TMeetingPro software onlineHelp for more details on extendinga meeting and
addingothermeeting rooms to a scheduledmeeting.
SMARTMeetingPro software polls the Microsoft Exchange Serveronly for the time st ampthat
recordsthe last time a user or room calendarwas changed. If the time stamp received from the
serveris later thant hetime s tamp savedby SMARTMeetingProsoftware, then
SMARTMeetingPro software will access the roomor user calendar(or both). By using this polling
rate,SMAR TMeetingPro software significantly reduces the loadon the Microsoft Exc hange

Appendix C