gTo enable MicrosoftExchange integration
1. Access t heSMA RTMeetingPro Settingsdialog box.
2. Press the Microsoft Exchangetab.
3. Select Enable MicrosoftExchange integration.
4. Type your meetingroom resourcee-mail address in the appropriate box.
5. Press OK.
gTo enable automaticstarting of scheduledmeetings
1. Access t heSMAR TMeetingPro Settings dialog box.
2. Press the Microsoft Exchangetab.
3. Select Auto start scheduledmeeting at logon.
4. Press OK.
gTo enable automaticad hoc meeting creation
1. Access t heSMAR TMeetingPro Settings dialog box.
2. Press the Microsoft Exchangetab.
3. Select Auto book ad hoc meeting atl ogon.
4. Press OK.
gTo enable theautomatic end meeting feature
1. Access t heSMAR TMeetingPro Settings dialog box.
2. Press the Microsoft Exchangetab.
3. Select Auto reset room aftermeeting end time.
4. Press OK.
gTo changethe delay time before your meetingautomatically ends
1. Access t heSMAR TMeetingPro Settings dialog box.
2. Press the Microsoft Exchangetab.
3. Select Auto reset room aftermeeting end time.
4. Select 1,5or10 minutes from the drop-downmenu.
5. Press OK.
CH A P T E R 6
ConfiguringMicrosoft Exchange settings