gTo enable MicrosoftExchange integration
1. Access t heSMA RTMeetingPro Settingsdialog box.
2. Press the Microsoft Exchangetab.
3. Select Enable MicrosoftExchange integration.
4. Type your meetingroom resourcee-mail address in the appropriate box.
5. Press OK.
gTo enable automaticstarting of scheduledmeetings
1. Access t heSMAR TMeetingPro Settings dialog box.
2. Press the Microsoft Exchangetab.
3. Select Auto start scheduledmeeting at logon.
4. Press OK.
gTo enable automaticad hoc meeting creation
1. Access t heSMAR TMeetingPro Settings dialog box.
2. Press the Microsoft Exchangetab.
3. Select Auto book ad hoc meeting atl ogon.
4. Press OK.
gTo enable theautomatic end meeting feature
1. Access t heSMAR TMeetingPro Settings dialog box.
2. Press the Microsoft Exchangetab.
3. Select Auto reset room aftermeeting end time.
4. Press OK.
gTo changethe delay time before your meetingautomatically ends
1. Access t heSMAR TMeetingPro Settings dialog box.
2. Press the Microsoft Exchangetab.
3. Select Auto reset room aftermeeting end time.
4. Select 1,5or10 minutes from the drop-downmenu.
5. Press OK.
CH A P T E R 6
ConfiguringMicrosoft Exchange settings