Installation components Purpose Typical location
RemoteInk service Enablesthe room computerof t he
meetingparticipant who’s sharing
his orher desktop to receive
digitalink data from Remote Ink
Computerwith a network
connectionto computers hosting
RemoteInk client software
Youcan also deploy SMARTMeetingProsoftware without enablinga collaborationoption (see
Customizing theS MARTMeetingPro installation package onpage 18).
gTo install SMARTMeetingPro softwarewith Bridgit software integrationenabled
1. Ensure yourcomputers meet the minimum software andhardware requirements (see
Computerrequirements onpage 6).
2. Downloadt heS MARTProductDriversandS MARTMeetingPro software installation
packages.For more informationon the requiredinstallation packages (includingthird-party
installationpackages), see Installation packages andsupporting files on page 7.
3. Customize the SMARTMeetingProsoftware installation packages, includingselecting Bridgit
softwarei ntegrationoption(see Us ingSMAR TInstallManager on page16 and Using
third-partytools on page23).
4. Deploy the installation packages(see Deploying the software on page 25).
5. ConfigureSMARTMeetingProsoftw areafter deployment if required(see Configuring
SMARTMeetingPro software on page 35).
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