By default, the ManageSrvRecord.ps1 uses a time to live (TTL) value of 86400(24 hours). This
meansthat any DN S service that queriest his SRV record caches the recordfor 24 hours. This
includesthe DN S componentthat runs on every desktop computer.I f you’replanning to move
RemoteInk service to a different computerand are using a non-zeroTTL for the SRV record, the
SRV recordmust be removed48 hours beforeRemote Ink service is moved. The SRV recordmust
thenbe replacedby a recordwit h a 0 TTLv alueas part of the command used to add anSR V record.
This proceduregives each RemoteI nk client applicationtime t o clearit s DNS cache. Alt ernatively,
if you use a TTL of 0 you don’thave to c ompletethese actions.
If a new 0 TTL value isn’t used for the SRV record, computershosting Remote Ink client that s till
havethe old invalid SRV record in cache don’t see the computerhosting Remote Ink service in its
newlocation (see Checking whether a computercan see an SRV record below for informationon
determiningwhich SRV record a computersees). A c omputer’sDNS cache can be cleared
manuallyusing the ipconfig /flushdns command.
Checkingwhether a computercan see an SRVrecord
Toc heck whethera computer can see an SRV record, use the nslookupcommand:
C:\> nslookup -type=SRV _smartremoteink._tcp.example.local
Optionally,on the computer whereRemote Ink s ervice is installed, use the following command:
powershell.exe -noexit “C:\Program Files\SMART Technologies\Remote Ink
Service\Tools”\ManageSrvRecord.ps1 –query -nameserver dc1 -zone
WheneverRemote Ink client connects to R emoteInk service, an entry is made in the Remote Ink
softwareevent log on the computer hostingR emoteInk client. This connection informationcould be
usefulin t roubleshooting issues.
Forexample, the following log entry shows that Remote Ink client discovered the Remote Ink service
by lookingup its DNS SRV record:
Discovered service net.tcp://ink.example.local:35706/RemoteInk via SRV
CH A P T E R 5
ConfiguringR emote Ink software