gTo activateSMARTMeetingPro software afterinstallation
Runt hef ollowingcommand:
"C:\Program Files\Common Files\SMARTTechnologies\SMART Product
Update\activationwizard.exe" --puid meeting_pro --m=[Value] --
v=3 --a [Optional flags] --pk [Product key]
o[Value] is4 t o runthe activation wiz ardin unattendedmode.
[Value] is6 t o runthe activation wiz ardin user interface mode.
o[Optionalflags] are optionalflags you can include to configuret heact ivationw izard.
Flag Purpose
--monitor=[Number] Specifythe monitor to display the activation wizard.
--proxy=[Host:Port] Specify the proxy host and portnumber to use for
--proxyuser=[User] Specify the proxy user nameto use f oractiv ation.
--proxypassword=[Password] Specifythe proxy password to use for activation.
--locale=[Code] Displaythe activation wiz arduser interface in a
specific language,where [Code] is your language
code(see Installation languagefiles and codes on
o[Productk ey] is the software productk ey.
CH A P T E R 4
ConfiguringSMART MeetingProsoftware