5. Changethe default EventSource nameto t hename you gave to the customeventsource
variable,for example My Custom Source.
Configuring meeting cleanupYoucan configure Remote Ink service to use one of two methods to clean up meetingst hathave
expiredand werenot exit edproperly. When a collection is run, the service compareseach meeting’s
last activity time with the configuredusersess iontimeout. If there hasbeen noactiv ity fora greater
amountof time than the session timeout, then the meeting is removed.
lRemoteInk client includes a keep-alivefunction, so program informationfrom meetings that
arein progress is never removed.
lBy default the service is configuredto use the sc heduledtime of 04:00 to clean upmeetings.
lIf a scheduledcollection interval is enabled this setting takes priority over using a scheduled
collectiont ime. Forexample, if t hes ervicec onfigurationhas both thes cheduledcollection
time andan interval defined,t hes ervice uses the scheduledcollection interval.
Use the following procedureto configureRemote Ink service to c aptureprogramevents at a s et
gTo captureprogram events at a setinterval
1. Go to C:\Program Files\SMART Technologies\Remote Ink Service.
2. OpenR emoteinkservice.exe.configwith a text editor.
3. Scroll to and removethe comments from the following command:
<add key="ScheduledCollectionInterval" value="01:00"/>
Where[1:00] is the intervalt hatcollection is run.
Removingthe comments from this command enablesR emoteInk service to clean up
meetingsat a set interval ratherthan at a scheduled time eachday.
CH A P T E R 5
ConfiguringR emote Ink software