After you openan installation package,a s et of pagesf orthat inst allationpackage appearsin
SMARTInstallManager. Customize the installation packageusing the controls on these pages.
Saving yourchanges
After you customize an installationpackage, save your changes as an XML file by selecting File >
Save As.W henyou next st art SMARTInstallManager, load the XML file by selecting File > Open,
orby opening the MSI file and then selecting File > Import.
Publishing your changesas an MSTfile
Thefinal step in using SMARTInstallManagerto customize an installation package is to publish your
changesas an MST file. To do this, select File > Publish, and then use the dialogbox to define a
locationfor and create the MST file.
If you use an olderMST file c reatedwith an earlier versionof t heMSI file, it might not work properly.
Use the currentMSI file to create your MST file. Publish the MST file in the same location as the
MSI file.
CH A P T E R 2