After you openan installation package,a s et of pagesf orthat inst allationpackage appearsin
SMARTInstallManager. Customize the installation packageusing the controls on these pages.
Saving yourchanges
After you customize an installationpackage, save your changes as an XML file by selecting File >
Save As.W henyou next st art SMARTInstallManager, load the XML file by selecting File > Open,
orby opening the MSI file and then selecting File > Import.
Publishing your changesas an MSTfile
Thefinal step in using SMARTInstallManagerto customize an installation package is to publish your
changesas an MST file. To do this, select File > Publish, and then use the dialogbox to define a
locationfor and create the MST file.
If you use an olderMST file c reatedwith an earlier versionof t heMSI file, it might not work properly.
Use the currentMSI file to create your MST file. Publish the MST file in the same location as the
MSI file.
CH A P T E R 2