Installation overview i
SMARTMeetingPro™ with Bridgit® integration i
SMART MeetingPro connector for Lync® i
Chapter1: Getting started 1
Selectingan installation component 2
SMARTMeetingPro with Bridgit integration 6
SMART MeetingPro connector for Lync 8
RemoteInk client 10
RemoteInk service 12
Language files 13
Chapter2: Customizing installation packages 15
Using SMARTInstallManager 15
Using third-partytools 23
Chapter3: Deploying the software 25
Deployinginstallation packages 26
Using the commandline interface 29
Using third-partyimaging orremote managementsoftware 33
Chapter4: Configuring SMAR TMeetingProsoftware 35
Activating SMARTMeetingProsoftware after installation 35
Addinga uniquee-mail address to each computerafter installation 37
Orientingyour SMARTBoardinteractive whiteboardsafter installation 38
Chapter5: Configuring Remote Ink software 41
AboutRemote Ink s ervice 42
Configuringbase addressand DNS v aluesf orR emoteInk service 43
Configuringhow Remote Ink client connects to Remote Ink service 44
Configuringevent loggingand meetingc leanupin Remote Ink service 50
StartingRemote Ink s ervice 53
Chapter6: Configuring Microsoft Exchange settings 55
Accessing administratorsettings 55
Configuringsettings 56
Configuringadvancedsettings 58
Checkingregistry values 59
Configuringe-mails ettings 60