If your computerisn’t c urrentlyconnected to an interactive product,the SMAR TMeetingPro
iconis gray and includesan X in it s lower-rightcorner .
2. Select SMART Hardware Settings.
Theupper areaof the widow displays an image for each interactive productconnected to the
3. Select the interactive producty ouw antt o orient.
4. Press Orient.
Sometimes, theorientation screen appearson yourprimary interactive product insteadof t he
interactiveproduct you want to orient. If this happenspress SPACEBA R until the orientation
screenappears ont heinteractive product you want to orient.
5. Touch the centerof each target in the orderindicated. The computerregisters the point on the
interactiveproduct where you removeyour finger orpen tool from the surface.
Theorientation procedureinvolves pressing4, 9, 12 or20 targets, dependingon the orientation
levely ous elect (see theS MARTMeetingPro software onlineH elpf ormore informationon
changingthe orientationlevel of your interactive product).
CH A P T E R 4
ConfiguringSMART MeetingProsoftware