[Path]\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /q
Where[Path] is t hepath to the dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exefile.
gTo install MicrosoftVisualStudioTools for Office for32-bit computers
Runt hef ollowingcommand:
[Path]\vstor40_x86.exe /q
Where[Path] is t hepath to the vstor40_x86.exefile.
gTo install MicrosoftVisualStudioTools for Office for64-bit computers
Runt hef ollowingcommand:
[Path]\vstor40_x64.exe /q
Where[Path] is t hepath to the vstor40_x64.exefile.
InstallingSMART ProductDriversUse the following procedures to install SMAR TProductDrivers.
lLanguage packs are includedin the SMART P roductDrivers 11 (and later).z ip files (see
SMARTProductDriversinstallation package onpage 77).
lForknown installation issues, refer to the Windows operatings ystems section of the
SMART ProductD rivers releasenotes available from smarttech.com/support.
gTo install SMARTProductDrivers
Runt hef ollowingcommand if you created an MST file to customize the installation package:
msiexec /i "[Path]\SMART Product Drivers Installer.msi"
TRANSFORMS="[MST file]"[Parameter]
Runt hef ollowingcommand if you didn’t create an MST file to customize the installation
msiexec /i "[Path]\SMART Product Drivers Installer.msi"
[Properties] [Parameter]
CH A P T E R 3
Deployingthe software