gTo install Remote Ink client
Runt hef ollowingcommand if there is no previous installationof R emoteInk client on your computer:
msiexec /i "[Path]\Remote Ink Client.msi"
Runt hef ollowingcommand if there is a previous installation of Remote Ink client on your computer:
msiexec /i "[Path]\Remote Ink Client.msi" REINSTALL=ALL
Where[Path] is t hepath to the Remote Ink Cl ient.msifil e.
Forinformation on configuringRemote Ink client software to discover and connect to Remote Ink
service software, see ConfiguringRemote Ink software on page41.
Installing Remote Ink service
Use the following procedureto install Remote Ink service on a server meetingthe requirementslist ed
inR emoteI nk service on page12.
gTo install Remote Ink service
Runt hef ollowingcommand:
msiexec /i "[Path]\Remote Ink Service.msi"
Where[Path] is t hepath to the Remote Ink Service.msi file.
CH A P T E R 3
Deployingthe software