5. Go to %APPDATA% \SMART Technologies\RemoteInk\RemoteInkClientSettings.xml,
andthen delete RemoteInkClientSettings.xml(if it exists).
lIf the network addressof t hec omputerhosting Remote Ink service software changes, then
youhave to reconfiguret heR emoteInk.exe.config file with the new address for the
computerhosting Remote Ink service.
lIf you migrateR emoteInk service to a new host computer, you must uninstall the software
fromit s originalhost computer. This is because computers hostingR emoteInk client have
cachedthe network address of the originalcomputer hosting RemoteI nk service andw ill
continueto attempt to connect to this computer. However, some computershosting Remote
Ink client will attempt to autodiscover and connectt o the new computerhosting Remote Ink
service. Computershosting Remote Ink client t hatare connected to different RemoteI nk
service host computersare unablet o interactw ith each otherusing Remote Ink service.
Configuring event logging and meeting cleanupin Remote Ink serviceThis section providesinformation on thef ollowingoptional Remote Ink service configuration
lConfiguringevent logging
lConfiguringmeetingc leanup
Configuring event logs
This section contains informationon configuringthe way significant R emoteInk service program
events arelogged. Use the proceduresin this sect iont o dothe following:
lConfigurewhich significant Remote Ink service program events arelogged.
lCreatea custom event source to redirect output from thedefault application log to a log
dedicatedto Remote Ink service programevents.
Redirectingoutput from the defaultapplication log is helpful if you’re troubleshooting Remote
Ink service andw ant a logc ontainingonly Remote Ink service programevents.
CH A P T E R 5
ConfiguringR emote Ink software