SMARTV25 projector
TheSMART V25 projector system includes a projectorf oruse
withS MART Board480 interactive whiteboardsand a sturdy
supportsystem for many different environments.
Thefeatures of the projectorsy stem include:
lAw all-mountedprojectorengine that uses DLP® technology by Texas Instruments™,
providingBrilliantColor™performanceand Gamma2.2 correction with SMART Presentation,
BrightRoom, Dark Room, sRGB andUser modes
lPAL,PA L-N, PAL-M, SECAM, NTSC, NTSC 4.43 videos ystem compatibility
lComposite,S-video andVESA R GBwit hadditional interfacesupport forC omponentYPbPr
andComponentYC bCri nputsw ith appropriateadapters(not included)
lQVGA,VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA, SXGA+ and UXGA videof ormatcompatibility
lNative1024 × 768 resolution
lRemotemanagementvia a serial RS-232 interface
lAnalert broadcast featurethat enables administratorsto s endnotification messages
tonetwork-connectedS MART V25 projectorsys tems for immediateon-screen display
lA3D-ready projectorusing DLP Link™ technology ensuresc ompatibilityw ith the emerging3D
lAs elf-protectiontimer for a hot re-strike of the projectorlamp
lProtectedcable routingto prevent tamperingand clutter
lAs ecuremounting andinstallation sys tem that includes:
oAnoptional projectorlock loopto prevent removalof the projector from the boom
oMountinghardwarefor solid masonry orframed wall installations. The system also
includesa safety tether.
oTemplatesand instructions for positioningthe syst em in a safe manner
CH A P T E R 1
Aboutyour interactive whiteboard system