gTo resolvesignal loss issues
1. Wait approximately45 seconds for the imageto s ynchronize.Some video signals requirea
2. If the imagedoesn’t synchronize, check your cable connectionst o the projector.
3. Ensurethat the image signalis compatiblewith the projector (seeVideo format compatibility on
4. If yourprojector still doesn’t show a source signal, contact your authorizedSMAR T reseller
Noprojected image
If the projectordisplays no image at all, and the interactivew hiteboardandprojector power lights
aren’ton, performthe following procedure.
gTo resolveprojected image issues
1. Ensurethat the power cableis connectedto the power outlet.
2. Ensurethat your cables arec orrectlyand securely connected as describedin the included
SMART Board 480ivand 680iv InteractiveW hiteboardSystems Installation Guide
3. Checkt hepower cable and VGA connectorpins to make s urethey aren’t bent or broken.
4. Ensurethat the projectorlamp is installedsecurely.
5. Confirmthat your projectoris turnedon andthat the projector status lights are illuminated. If the
status lights display unusualbehavior, see Projectorlights and status on page 37 to
troubleshootyoursy stem.
Partial,scrolling orincorrectly displayedimage
lThefollowing procedureappliesto Windows® 95, Windows 98, Windows2000 and
WindowsXP operatingsystems on desktop computersonly.
lThisproceduremay vary dependingon yourversion of Windows operatingsystem andyour
system preferences.
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system