5. If the previoussteps don’t resolve the issue, disconnect the power cable andthen contact your
authorizedSMART reseller(smarttech.com/wheretobuy).
Resolving network communication issuesIf you don’thave network access, performthe followingproceduret o troubleshootyour system.
gTo resolvenetwork communication issues
1. Ensurethat your network’s RJ45 cable is properlyc onnectedto the modularc ableconnection
onthe projector’s connectionpanel.
2. Ensurethat the LAN warning light ont heprojector is green. To activate the LAN, use the
“network=on”RS-232command (see Projectorprogrammingcommands on page56) or the
“Networkand VGA out” projectormenu option (seeN etwork menuon page 15).The network
functionon the projectordoesn’t work until you send one of these commands.
3. Pressthe Menu button, and thens elect the Network Settingsmenu to check the IP address.
SeeNetwork menu on page15 for a description of the IP address field. Enter this IP address
intoyour browser orS NMP agent.
4. If you still don’t have network access, contact your network administrator. If your administrator
is unableto resolve the issue, contact your authorizedSMAR T reseller
Resolving audio issuesTheprojectordoesn’t have integratedspeakers, but you can connect an audiosy stem to the audio
outputconnector in the projector’sconnection panel.I f no soundis comingfrom your audiosy stem,
performthe followingprocedure.
gTo resolveaudio issues
1. Ensurethat the speakers’ or audiosyst em’s cables areproperly connectedto the audio output
plugon the projector’sconnection panel.
2. Pressthe Mute button onthe projector’s remotecontrol, andif Audio Mute is on,turn it off.
3. Ensurethat your speakeror audiosystem is on andthat volume is enabled.
4. Checkt hat yoursource input, such as your computer or videodevice, is n’t malfunctioning,that
its audiooutput is onand that its volumeisn’t set to the lowest position.
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system