Webpage management 50
Accessingw ebpage management 50
Home 50
Controlpanel 51
Networks ettings 52
E-mailalerts 53
Passwordsettings 53
Connectingyour roomcontrol syst em to the SMART V25 projector 54
Pinconfiguration ont heprojector’s RS-232 connector 54
Serialinterface settings 54
Projectorprogrammingcommands 56
Projectorpowerstate controls 56
Commandinventory 56
Value-basedcommandmethods 56
Absolutevalues and adjustmentv alues 56
Videosource specification values 57
Powerstatecontrols 58
Sourceselection controls 58
Generalsourcecontrols 59
AdditionalVGA source controls 60
Additionalcomposite videos ourcecontrols 61
Audiooutput controls 61
Networkc ontrols 62
System controls 63
SimpleNetwork ManagementProtocol (SNMP) 67
Thisappendix includesdetailed instructions on how to set up your computeror room control system
toremotely managey ourSMART Board480iv interactivew hiteboardsystem setti ngst hroughan RS-
232serial interface.
Appendix A