whiteboard system
Usingyour projector 9
Usingyour remote control 9
Installingthe remote controlbattery 9
Usingthe remote control buttons 11
Adjustingprojector settings 11
Focusingthe image 17
Adjustingthe image 18
SMART V25projector connectiondiagram 18
Usingyour interactive whiteboard 20
Thischapter describes the basic operationof your interactive whiteboardsyst em, andalso explains
howto set upyour remotec ontrol,retrieve system information, access the projector’s image
adjustmentoptions andintegrate your interactive whiteboardsystem wi th peripheraldevices.
Using your projector
Thissect ionexplains how to use your projector andits includedremotecontrol.
Usingyour remote control
TheSMART V25 projector remotecontrol enables you to access on-screenprojector menus and
Installing theremote control battery
Followthis proceduret o use theremote control for the first time or to replace the remotecontrol
Chapter 3