Forissues not covered in this chapter, contact your authorizedSMART reseller
(smarttech.com/wheretobuy)orconsult the SMART S upportwebsite (smarttech.com/support).
Correcting image alignment issues
Alignmenterrorsoccur when the projected imageisn’t perpendicularto the sc reen.Alignment errors
canoccur when you mount yourinteractive whiteboard system on an unevensurface or a wall that
hasobstructions, or if you sw ivel the projectortoo far from the vertical center of your interactive
Uset heinst ructionsin t heincluded SMART Board 480iv and 680ivInteractive WhiteboardSyst ems
InstallationGuide (smarttech.com/kb/153153)to eliminatemost imagealignmentiss ues.
Diagnosing issues using the interactive
whiteboard system indicators and controls
Thissect iondocuments the indicators andc ontrolsof theinteractive whiteboardsy stem
Interactivewhiteboardindicatorsand controls
Formore informationto resolve common issues, see the SMART Board 480Interactive W hiteboard
User’sGuide (smarttech.com/kb/156693).
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system