Using the remotecontrol buttons
Theprojectorremote control enablesyou to acc ess on-screenmenus and changeprojector settings.
Uset hePower button on the remotecontrol to put the projector into Standbymode or turn it on.
Youcan also use the Input button on the remotecontrol to switc h sourceson the projector.
Number Function Description
1 Input Selectan input source
2 Menu Showthe projector menus
3 (Left), (Right),
(Up)and (Down)arrows
Changethe menuselections and adjustments
4 Hide Freeze, hideor display the image
lPressonce to freeze the image.
Forexample, you can display a questionon
thescreen while you check your e-mail.
lPressagain to hide the image,t hat is, to
displaya black sc reen.
lPressagain to returnt o the live image.
5 Mode Selecta display mode
6 Mute Controlmute settings from your audiooutput
device(not included)
7(Power) Putthe projectorinto Standby mode or turnit on
8 (Enter) Acceptthe selectedmode or option
9 (VolumeUp) Increasethe volume
10 (VolumeDown) Decreasethe volume
Adjusting projectorsettings
Theremote control’s Menubutton enables you to access the on-screendisplay to adjust the projector
CH A P T E R 3
Usingyour interactivew hiteboard system