Installing SMART software
Youmust install SMAR Tsoftwareon the computer connectedto y ourinteractive whiteboardsy stem
toaccess allof its features.
DownloadSMARTsoftware from smarttech.com/software. These pageslist theminimum hardware
requirements for eachs oftwarev ersion.If SMART software is alreadyinstalled on your computer,
takethis opportunityto upgradeyours oftwaret o ensurecompatibility.
Securing the interactive whiteboard system
Thissect ionexplains how to secure the different componentsof y ourinteractive whiteboard system.
Securingthe projectorto the boom
Tolearn how to secure the SMART V25 projectorto the boom, see the includedSMA RT Board480iv
and680iv Interactive WhiteboardSystems InstallationGuide (smarttech.com/kb/153153).
CH A P T E R 2
Installingyourinter activewhiteboard system