The“ Lamp Failure” messageappears
If the “LampFailure”message appearsand the lamp turns off duringuse or doesn’t turn on, oneof the
followingissues is occurring:
lThelamp is overheating,lik ely duet o blockedair vents.
lThelamp has reachedthe end of its life.
lTheprojectorhas an internal problem.
gTo resolvethe “Lamp Failure” error
1. Followsteps 1 t o 5 of To resolvethe “Projector Overheated”erroron previous page.
2. If the lampdoesn’t illuminate, put the projectorinto Standby mode andw ait 15 minutesf orit to
3. Disconnectt hepower cable.
4. Replaceyour lamp as describedin Removing and replacingthe projector lampmodule on page
5. If the projectorstill doesn’t turn on or if it continues to display the lamp errormessage,
disconnectthe power cable, andthen contact your authorizedS MART reseller
Theprojector Power light isn’t lit
If the projectorPower light isn’t lit, oneof the following issues is occurring:
lTherewas a power outageor a power surge.
lAc ircuit breakeror a safety swit ch was tripped.
lTheprojectoris n’t connectedto t hepower source.
lTheprojectorhas an internal problem.
gTo resolvethe unlit projector Power light issue
1. Checkt hepower source, and thenmake s urethat all cables are connected.
2. Confirmthat the projector is connected to an active poweroutlet.
3. Makesure the pins on the connectorsaren’t broken orbent.
4. Makesure the Hide Display feature on the remoteis disabled. See Using the remote control
buttonson page11.
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system