Setting Use Notes
AutoSignal Detect Enablesor disables signals earchingof
SelectOn to have the projector
continuouslyswitch i nputsuntil it finds
anactive video source.
SelectOff to maintain signal detection
inone input.
LampReminder Turnsthe lamp replacementreminder
onor off.
Thisreminderappears 100hours
beforethe recommendedlamp
LampMode Adjustsl ampbrightness to Standard
Standarddisplays a high-quality,
Economyincreases the lamp life by
decreasingthebrightness of the image.
AutoPower Off
Sets thelength of the auto power-off
countdowntimer between1 and 240
Thedefault is 120 minutes.
Thetimer begins to count down when
theprojector nolonger receives a video
signal.The timer finishes when the
projectorentersSt andbymode.
Select0 to t urnoff thetimer.
Zoom Adjustst hez oomt ot hec enterof the
imagein or out from 0 to 30.
Thedefault is 0.
Thissett ingaffect s imageadjustments
donemechanicallyt o the boom.
ProjectorID Displays the projector’sunique ID
number(from0 to 99) within your
AspectR atio Adjustst heimage output to Fill
Screen,MatchInput or16:9.
Fill Screen producesanimage that
fills the entiresc reenwith st retching
MatchInput matches the projector’s
aspectratio to the input’saspect ratio.
As a result, black bandsmight appear
alongthe top andbottom edges of the
screenhorizontally (letterboxformat) or
alongthe left and rightedges of the
screenvertically (pillarboxformat).
16:9changesthe output to 16:9 by
letterboxingthe image,w hich is
recommendedforuse with H DTV and
DVD/Blu-ray™discs enhancedfor
SeeVideo format compatibility on page
21for appearancedescriptions in each
CH A P T E R 3
Usingyour interactivew hiteboard system