Choosea location for your SMART Board480iv interactive whiteboard system that’s far from bright
lightsources, such as windows orst rongoverheadlighting. Brightlight sources can causedistracting
shadowson your interactive whiteboardand can reducethe contrast of the projected image.
Selecta w all with a flat, regulars urfaceand sufficient clearance to accommodatey ourinteractive
whiteboardsystem. Install the projector andy ourinteractive whiteboardon the same flat s urface.For
bestpresentation alignment,mount your interactive whiteboardsystem in a location central to your
audience’sviewing direction.For mobile or adjustableinstallation options, contact your authorized
SMART reseller(smarttech.com/wheretobuy).
Whenmounting theprojector boom ona f ramedor hollow wall, attach both the mountingbracket
andthe safety tether to a stud to safely s upportthe projector’s weight. If you use only drywall
anchors,the drywall can fail, resulting in productdamage andpossible personal injury.
Choosing a heightSMART includesa mounting templatewith each SMART Board 480iv interactivewhiteboard system.
If you lose this template, contact your authorizedSMART reseller (smarttech.com/wheretobuy).
Usingthis templateensures that you:
lMountthe projectorat asafe height for headspace clearance, while maintainingenoughs pace
forairflow and installation access above the unit.
lPositionthe projector at the correct heightabove your interactive whiteboardto align the
projectedimagewit h the touchs creen.
Dimensionson the template recommenda distance from the floors uitablefor adults of average
height.You should considerthe generalheight of your user community when you choosea position
foryour interactive whiteboard.
CH A P T E R 2
Installingyourinter activewhiteboard system