TheSMART V25 projector imagecan slip if theprojector is moved often orinst alledin a location
proneto vibration,s uch as next to a heavy door.Follow t heseprecautions to help preventthe image
frombecoming misaligned:
lMakesure that the installation wall is plumb and squareand doesn’t moveor vibrate
lMakesure that there areno obstructions behindthe projector’s wall mount bracket, and that the
bracketis f irmly securedto the wall accordingto the installationinstructions.
lMakesure that the knob andlock ings crew aretight.
lConfirmthat all cables are held in placew ith the appropriatecableclip.
lAdjustthe projected image. Seet heincluded SMART Board 480iv and 680ivInteractive
WhiteboardSystems Installation Guide (smarttech.com/kb/153153)andAdjusting the image
onpage 18.
Accessing the service menuCC A U T I O N
lToprevent tamperingor unintentionalchanges, only system administrators shouldacc ess
theservice menu. Do not share the service menuacc ess code with casual users of your
interactivewhiteboards ystem.
lDonot adjust any settings in t hes ervicemenu other than thoseli sted in this guide. Changing
othersettings can damageor affect t heoperation of your projectorand invalidatesy our
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactive whiteboard system