On this page, all the registered users in local user database are shown. An activated user is identified by its MAC address, login time and the 'Active' display under the 'Status' column.
2.2.4. Session List
Fig. 42. Latest Outgoing User Traffic Sessions.
Fig. 43. Latest Incoming User Traffic Sessions.
On this page, latest 50 outgoing and 50 incoming user traffic sessions are shown for monitoring net-work activity.
2.2.5. Managed LAN Devices
Fig. 44. Managed LAN devices.
On this page, the status of every managed LAN device is shown. The Offline status indicates a non-working device while the Online status indicates a working device. The Add Device button serves as a shortcut to the Advanced, LAN Device Management configuration page, on which you can specify which devices to manage. See Section 2.8.4 for more information.