Operations in GUI

Chapter 5



You can perform scene searches, play the searched scenes,

(GUI) screens. The GUI screens are your gateways to discs

and select scenes (edit clip list) in Graphical User Interface

and the data saved on discs.

Switching between GUI screens

The most important GUI screens are:

Clip thumbnail screen: displays thumbnails of clips on the disc. “Clip” is displayed as the title at the upper left of the screen (see page 52).

Clip list thumbnail screen: displays thumbnails of sub clips in a clip list. “Clip List” is displayed as the title at the upper left of the screen (see page 52).

There are also two playback screens:

Clip playback screen: playback screen for normal video

Clip list playback screen: playback screen for clip list video

You will use the THUMBNAIL button 1 and the SUB CLIP/DISC MENU button 2 to switch between these four screens. Each press of these buttons switches between the screens as shown in the following figure. The THUMBNAIL and SUB CLIP/DISC MENU indicators light as follows, according to the type of screen that is currently displayed.


To switch between these four screens, a disc with recorded clips must be loaded in the unit.

Screens GUI in Operations 5 Chapter

Overview 51