aSelection frame

See the description in “Clip thumbnail screen” (page 52).

bClip number/total clips

Displays the total number of clips on the disc and the number of the clip that contains the displayed chapters.

cS1/S2/RS marks

The “S1”, “S2”, and “RS” marks on the thumbnails indicate frames where Shot Mark1, Shot Mark2, and Rec Start essence marks are set.

dChapter number/total chapters

Displays the total number of chapters and the number of the selected chapter.


The total number of chapters is the total number of chapters in the specified clip only.


See the description in “Clip thumbnail screen” (page 52).

fClip name

Displays the name of the clip whose chapter is displayed. When the clip has a title, it is displayed as “TITLE00001” (see page 77). When the unit's area of use (UC/J MODEL SELECT) (see page 25) is set to “UC”, clip names can be displayed in European languages.


To display the clip title, Settings >Display Title in the Disc Menu needs to be set to On.


Displays the time from the first frame of the selected chapter to the first frame of the next chapter.

Essence mark thumbnail screen

This screen displays thumbnails of the specified essence mark, found by searching all clips on the disc.









Shot Mark1










































TC 00:23:02:00

TC 00:24:45:25


TC 00:25:07:01


TC 00:25:40:24



















TC 00:26:22:11

TC 00:27:19:25


TC 00:27:51:25


TC 00:28:06:17



















TC 00:28:35:00

TC 00:28:55:02


TC 00:29:10:05


TC 00:29:20:03


30 NOV 2006 19:55

"Capping literally years of spe..."



aEssence mark name

Displays the name of the essence mark (Shot Mark1 here).

bSelection frame

See the description in “Clip thumbnail screen” (page 52).

cEssence mark number/total essence marks Displays the total number of essence marks and the number of the selected essence mark.


The total number of essence marks is the total number of essence marks that have been set in all clips on the disc.


See the description in “Clip thumbnail screen” (page 52).

eClip date and time

Displays the date and time when the clip that contains the selected thumbnail was recorded or last modified.

fClip name

Displays the name of the clip that contains the selected frame. When the clip has a title, it is displayed as “TITLE00001” (see page 77). When the unit's area of use (UC/J MODEL SELECT) (see page 25) is set to “UC”, clip names can be displayed in European languages.


To display the clip title, Settings >Display Title in the Disc Menu needs to be set to On.

Screens GUI in Operations 5 Chapter

Overview 55