This command requests this unit to “listen” on a data port (which is not its default data port). (It puts this unit into passive mode, waiting for the remote computer to make a data connection.)
Command syntax: PASV <CRLF>
Specifies the type of data to be transferred.
Command syntax: TYPE <SP>
delimited by <SP>)> <CRLF>
-T: Telnet format
-C: ASA Carriage Control
-T: Telnet format
-C: ASA Carriage Control
•I: IMAGE (Binary) (default)
-SIZE: byte size
Input example: TYPE I
Input example: MODE S
Sends a list of files from this unit to the remote computer.
Command syntax: LIST <SP> <options> <SP> <path-
name> <CRLF>
<options> can be any of the following.
The following data is transferred, depending on whether
•Directory specified: A list of the files in the specified directory
•File specified: Information about the specified file
•No specification: A list of the files in the current directory
The wildcard characters “*” (any string) and “?” (any character) may be used in
Input example 1:
Input example 2: LIST Clip/*.MXF
Sends a list of file names from this unit to the remote computer, with no other information.
Command syntax: NLST <SP> <options or
Specifies the data structure.
Command syntax: STRU <SP>
•F: File structure (default)
•R: Record structure
•P: Page structure
Input example: STRU F
The following options may be specified when no path- name is specified.
The following data is transferred, depending on whether
•Directory specified: A list of the file names only in the specified directory
•No specification: A list of the file names only in the current directory.
Operations File 6 Chapter
Specifies the transfer mode.
Command syntax: MODE <SP>
•S: Stream mode (default)
•B: Block mode
•C: Compressed mode
The wildcard characters “*” (any string) and “?” (any character) may be used in
Input example 1:
Input example 2: NLST Clip/*.MXF
Begins transfer of a copy of a file in the specified path on this unit to the current directory on the remote computer.
Command syntax: RETR <SP>
Input example: RETR Clip/C0001.MXF
FTP File Operations 85