12. Appendix E
SONY AIT-3Ex drive SDX-800V series Ver.1.1
The READ ONLY bit indicates whether the attribute is in the read only state. If the READ ONLY
bit is one, the attribute is in the read only state. If the READ ONLY bit is zero, the attribute is in
the read/write state.
The FORMAT field (table 12-5) specifies the format of the data in the ATTRIBUTE VALUE field.
ATTRIBUTES defined by this standard include a requirement for the contents of the FORMAT
Table 12-5: MAM attribute formats
Format Name Description
00b BINARY The ATTRIBUTE VALUE shall contain binary data.
01b ACSII The ATTRIBUTE VALUE field shall contain only graphic codes
(i.e. byte code values 20h through &Eh), shall be left-aligned
placing any unused bytes at the highest offset in the field,
contain 20h (i.e. ASCII space) in any unused bytes.
10b TEXT The attribute contains textual data. The character set is as
described in the TEXT LOCALIZATION IDENTIFER attribute.
11b Reserved
The ATTRIBUTE LENGTH field specifies the length in bytes of the ATTRIBUTE VALUE field.
Attributes defined by this standard include a requirement for the contents of the ATTRIBUTE
LENGTH field.
The ATTRIBUTE VALUE Field contains that current (READ ATTRIBUTE) or desired (WRITE
ATTRBUTE) value of the attribute.
Attribute identifier values
Attribute identifier values overview
The values in the ATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER field are assigned according to the attribute type
and whether the attribute is standard or vendor unique (table 12-6).
Table 12-6: MAM attribute identifier range assignments
Attribute Identifiers Attribute Type Standardization
0000h – 03FFh Device Yes
0400h – 07FFh Medium Yes
0800h – 0BFFh Host Yes
0C00h – 0FFFh Device Vendor Unique
1000h – 13FFh Medium Vendor Unique
1400h – 17FFh Host Vendor Unique
1800h – FFFFh Reserved
Device servers shall accept and process a WRITE ATTRIBUTES command containing
standardized host type attribute identifier values (i.e. 0800h-0BFFh) or vendor unique host type
attribute identifier values (i.e., 1400h-17FFh). Standardized host type attribute identifier values
may be checked for conformance to the requirements described later.
Standard device type attributes
Device types attributes (table 12-7) shall be maintained and updated by the device server when
the medium and associated medium auxiliary memory are present. All supported medium type
attributes shall have a status of read only.