80 Glossary
International Prefix (+)
Mobilephone (+) prefix tha t automatically adds the correct international code
infront of a telephone num ber when dialling out of a country. Youthen have
toadd the code of the count ry you are calling.
Amobile phone feat ure that allows you to switch between networks offering
coverageab road. Yourmobile ph one automatically selects a network or sys-
tem(your home ne twork), but if it is not in range or unavailable, it will select
anothersystem. International roamingis based on agreements between net-
workoperators in d ifferent countries.
Line1 /Line 2
See“Alternate Line Service”.
isthe easiest way to acce ss all the phone’sfunct ions. The menus are arranged
tobe accesse da nd viewed when scrolling with the arrow keys.
Amobile phone network or system consistsof a network of cells. A radiobase
stationserves each cell from wherecalls are forwarded to and received from
yourmobile phon e by wireless radio signals.
Tobe able to use your phone, you need a subscription to a n etwork. Youget
thissubscription from a n etwork operator, together with a SIM card that you
needto use with your ph one.
Alsocalled PCMCIA. The PC-card can actas a modem and connect your
mobilephone to a laptop o r organizer, enabling data and fax transmission. The
thintype II card is the most common size.Type III is a thicker card and can
housemore than mode m functionality.
Amemory in your mo bile phone where phone numbers can be stored and
accessedb y name (alpha memory search) or position.
PersonalIdentification Number– a code used for all GSM-based phones to
establishauthorization for accessto certain functionsor inform ation. The PIN
codecomes wi th your subscription.