Linux | Software Driver Installation |
Installing the device
You connect a device to the driver with the mknod command. The major number is the number of the driver as shown in the last step, the minor number is the index of the board starting with 0. This step must only be done once for the system where the boards are installed in. The device will remain in the file structure even if the board is
The following command makes a device for the first Spectrum board the driver has found:
linux:~ # mknod /dev/spc0 c 254 0
Make sure that the users who work with the driver have full rights access for the device. Therefore you should give all persons all rights to the device:
linux:~ # chmod a+w /dev/spc0
Now it is possible to access the board using this device.
Driver info
Information about the installed boards could be found in the /proc/spectrum file. All PCI, PXI and CompactPCI boards show the basic infor- mation found in the EEProm there. This is an example output generated by a MI.3020:
linux:~ # cat /proc/spectrum
Spectrum driver information
Driver Version: 3.07 build 0
Board#0: MI.3020
serial number: 01234
production month: 05/2004
samplerate: 100 MHz
installed memory: 16 MBytes
Automatic load of the driver
It is necessary to load the kernel driver module after each start of the system before using the boards. Therefore you may add the „insmod spc.o“ command in one of the
26 | MI.61xx Manual |