Chapter 2 Setting Up 45
2. At the Enter new passwordprompt, type your password.
3. At the Enter new password againprompt, re-type your password.
If your password has been lost or forgotten, contact Sun Service for assistance.
To Configure Network Parameters
The Netra 1290 server can be administered from the SC LOM prompt and fromthe
Solaris software. There aretwo ways to access the LOM console connection:
Through the SC serial port connection
Through a remote (network) connection using the 10/100BASE-T Ethernet port
Note – The system can be administered solely through the serial port, but if you
want to use the 10/100BASE-T Ethernet port, use a separate secure subnet for this
connection. Remote connection capability is not enabled by default. If you use SSH
or Telnetto administer the system, you must set the connection type to SSH or
Telnet,using the setupnetwork command.
1. At the LOM prompt, type setupnetwork.
2. Answer the questions in the script.
Note – If you press the Return key after each question, the currentvalue will not be
See the Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Controller Command Reference Manual,
819-1268 for full details of the setupnetwork command. CODEEXAMPLE 2-1 shows
an example of the setupnetwork command.
Enter new password:
Enter new password again: