Chapter 2 Setting Up 43
To Bring the System to Standby Mode From the
Solaris Command Line
At the system prompt, type:
To Bring the System to Standby Mode From the
LOM Port
At the lom> prompt, type:
For an abrupt power off, type:
Caution – This abruptly brings the system to Standby mode, regardless of the
system state and might corrupt data on the hard drives.
To Bring the System to Standby Mode by the
On/Standby Switch
Caution – The On/Standby switch does not isolate the equipment. Turningoff the
power switch on the customer-supplied circuit breakers is requiredto isolate the
Press the left side of the system On/Standby switch.
#shutdown -i5
This will abruptly terminate Solaris.
Do you want to continue? [no]