Preface xvii
Related Documentation

The Sun Java System Content Delivery Server manuals are available as Portable

Document Format (PDF) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) files. These files

are available in the Documentation subdirectory of the directory wherethe

Content Delivery Server is installed as well as online at

The following table summarizes the books included in the Content Delivery Server

documentation set.

BookTitle Description PartNumber
SunJava System Content Delivery Server
Branding and Localization Guide
Describes how to customize the Subscriber Portal
and Developer Portal components of the Content
Delivery Server for the look and feel of your
enterprise. This guide also describes how to localize
the Content Delivery Server interfaces.
SunJava System Content Delivery Server
Capacity Planning Guide
Providesguidelines for determining what hardware
andsoftware is needed to efficiently run the Content
Delivery Server.
SunJava System Content Delivery Server
Content Developer Guide
Describes how to submit content to the Content
Delivery Server.
SunJava System Content Delivery Server
Customization Guide
Describes the Content Delivery Server APIs that can
be used to createcustomized adapters for use in
integratingContent Delivery Server with the existing
SunJava System Content Delivery Server
Describes errormessages that aregenerated by the
ContentDelivery Server and suggests actions to take
to resolveproblems reported.
SunJava System Content Delivery Server
Installation Guide
Providesinformation about installing and
configuringthe Content Delivery Server.
SunJava System Content Delivery Server
Integration Guide
Describes adapters for integrating the Content
DeliveryServer with existing systems such as billing,
user data, WAPgateway, and push delivery. It also
describes the framework for creatingdevice-specific
versions of the Subscriber Portal.
SunJava System Content Delivery Server
Migration Guide
Describeshow to migrate from a previous version of
the Content Delivery Server to the current version.
SunJava System Content Delivery Server
System Management Guide
Providesinformation on running and maintaining
the Content Delivery Server.