Chapter 3 Vending Manager 211
3. Click Add New Subscriber.
The Add New Subscriber page is displayed.
4. Enter the required information:
An asterisk (*) beside a field indicates that it is a required field.
Login ID - Enter the unique subscriber ID that the subscriber uses to log in to the
subscriber site.
Password - Enter a password of at least four characters.
ConfirmPassword - Reenter the password.
Status - Leave the Status as Enabled unless you want to suspend access to the
Subscriber Portal for this subscriber.
Mobile ID - Enter the ID of the mobile device, either the MSISDN or ESN.
Device Model - Select the device model from the drop-down list of supported
Subscriber Plans - Check the plans to assign to the subscriber.
Note that if you do not select a plan, the Subscriber account is assigned to the
default Subscriber plan. See “Managing Subscriber Plans” on page 216 for more