Chapter 2 Catalog Manager 79

Editing a Content Descriptor Template

1. From the Catalog Manager administration console, click Devices on the main
menu bar.
2. Click the Templates tab.
The list of templates is displayed.
3. Click the name of the template that you want to edit.
The template properties are displayed.
4. Click Edit.
5. Make the necessary changes to the template properties.
The fields are the same as those described in “Adding a Content Descriptor
Template” on page 77.
6. Click Save.
A confirmation page is displayed.
7. Click OK to display the template properties.
Managing Device Definitions
Device definitions identify the devices supported by the Content Delivery Server
and describe the capabilities of the device. You can add devices as needed and
remove devices that are not being used.

Viewing Devices

To view the devices defined for your enterprise, click Devices from the main menu
bar. The Device Management page lists the models in the order in which they were
created in the system.
Periodically, the Content Delivery Server might detect that a new device exists. The
new device is added to the list of devices but has a status of new or quarantined.
Auto-detection and provisioning of detected devices is only possible if the property,
autoCreate.newDevice, is set to true in the Subscriber Portal properties file.