24 Administrator Guide 2005Q4
OMA DRM 1.0 and Non-Compliant Devices
For devices that are not compliant with OMA DRM 1.0, the Catalog Manager
administrator can configure the Content Delivery Server with one of the following
options to deliver content with a free always, first download only, or every
download pricing model:
Deliver all content to non-compliant devices as unprotected original content (that
is, content as received from the content provider). The free always, first download
only, and every download pricing models are available to content under this
Deliver only free content as unprotected original content to non-compliant
devices. Only the free always pricing model is available to content under this
Make the content unavailable to non-compliant devices.
For a discussion of pricing models, see “Pricing Content” on page 26.
MIME Types for OMA DRM 1.0
To support the OMA DRM 1.0 formats, a device must support the MIME types listed
in TABLE 2-4.
These MIME types are used to determine the OMA DRM 1.0 format supported on a
device. Support for these MIME types must be added to device profiles for devices
capable of receiving OMA DRM 1.0 protected content.
TABLE 2-4 Required MIME Types for OMA DRM 1.0
OMA DRM 1.0 Format Required MIME Type Support
Forward Lock application/vnd.oma.drm.message
Combined Delivery application/vnd.oma.drm.message
Separate Delivery application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml