Chapter 3 Vending Manager 155
3. Enter the value for your local currency equal to the one currency unit.
If the one currency unit is one Euroand your local currency is Yen, enter the current
equivalent value in Yen.
4. Enter the percentage markup by which you want to increase the purchase price, if
If you do not want to increase the purchase price of content by a percentage, enter 0
or leave the field empty.
Automatic markup (percentage increase) of content purchaseprices is applied to
both manually and automatically stocked content.
5. Click Apply.
Atable displays a list of content typesand their assigned pricingoption information.
It also shows the last time content pricing was updated.
6. Click Done to enact the change.
Price Update Notification
When automatic price updating is turned off in the VendingManager, an Ignore
Updatealert is displayed in the Pricing Options table to alert you that a price change
isin effect for the associated content in the Catalog Manager. You can perform one of
the following actions:
Enter a price in the Current VM Price column for the updated content to update
the price in the VendingManager.
When you click Done to change the price, the Ignore Update alert is removed.
Takeno action to adjust the content price in the Vending Manager and check the
Ignore Update check box to remove the alert.
Takeno action to adjust the content price at the current time and leave the alert so
that you can come back at a later time and quickly identify the content you want
to update.

Changing the Price of Individual Content Items

Youcan change the purchase price for content on an individual basis. Only the
purchase price of published content can be changed, that is, you cannot change the
purchaseprice for content with Testing status. Also, you cannot change the purchase
price of individual content items within a bundle.
If you change the purchase price of a content item through the content’s property
page, you disassociate that content from its pricing option. See “Disassociating
Content From Pricing Options” on page 30 for more information.