Contents v
Editing a Content Type 34
Creating a Pricing Option 35
Editing a Pricing Option 37
Deleting a Content Type 39
Disabling a Pricing Option 39
Registering a MIME Type 40
Editing a MIME Type 41
Deleting a MIME Type 43
Managing Submitted Content 44
Viewing Submitted Content 44
Viewing Submitted Editions 47
Removing an Edition 48
Searching for Content 49
Changing the Status of Content 50
Changing the Status of Editions 52
Editing Content 52
Managing Published Content 55
Viewing Published Content 56
Removing Content 57
Viewing Published Editions 57
Copying or Moving Categories of Content 58
Copying or Moving Content Items 62
Setting Custom Prices for Published Content 66
Managing Devices 68
Managing Device Libraries 69
Viewing Device Libraries 70
Viewing Properties for a Specific Device Library 70
Adding a Device Library 71