252 Administration Guide • 2005Q4
TestingContent Content currently undergoingor requiring testing prior to being published.
Thestatus of Testing is assigned by the Catalog Manager administrator. Testing
content is available to VendingManagers for distribution only to subscribers
with testing roles (assigned by the VendingManager).
Unavailable Content Stockedcontent on the Vending Manager that is unpublished by the Catalog
Manager.Unavailable content is not available to the Vending Manager or to
subscribers. The VendingManager administrator cannot change the status of
content that is unavailable. The VendingManager administrator can only
unstock it.
Unstocked Content Publishedcontent received from the Catalog Manager that is not currently
stockedin the Vending Manager. Unstocked content is available in the Vending
Manager catalog. The VendingManager administrator can stock published
content received fromthe Catalog Manager and unstock content with stocked
status in the VendingManager.
Updated Content Stockedcontent whose catalog property information has changed.
User-agent A unique identifierfor a mobile device model. The user-agent is a regular
expression that usually contains hardware,browser, and model information
about the device.
User Interface and
Software Capabilities TheContent Delivery Server uses the user interface and software capabilities
to refinethe capability matching process.
VendingManager The VendingManager manages content published by the Catalog Manager.
The VendingManager controls subscriber access and purchase pricing and
provides daily statistical reports on the Content Delivery Server.
VendingManagers are generally configured to serve separate enterprises and a
single Catalog Manager can serve multiple VendingManagers.
Accounts AVending Manager account is for a specifically branded vending manager that
stocks content from the Catalog Manager.It is associated with one or more
VendingPlans VendingPlans define content access rights. When creating a Vending Plan, you
can define the categories that a VendingManager can access. Vending Plans
can also be nested within other VendingPlans.
VendingPrice Monetary value set in the local currency for content set by a VendingManager
administrator.Also known as retail price. See Catalog Price and Content
Provider Price.
Protocol (WAP) A specification for a set of communication protocolsto standardize the way
thatwireless devices, such as cellular telephones and radio transceivers, can be
used for Internet access, including e-mail, the WorldWide Web, unscrupulous,
and Internet Relay Chat (IRC).